Friday, October 29, 2010

Marketing dream

I'm a sucker for seasonal/limited-time-only products and other ploys.

Gooey chocolate cake + gingerbread = winter...or so they tell me.

Impressive TV dinner?

The brother thought so.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

'Tis the season

...or not. It's a good thing I have oodles of Christmas wrapper left over from last year because the stores here apparently haven't started selling them yet.

If you know me well enough, you can probably figure out why I'm wrapping Christmas presents in October.

Can you figure out

...what's wrong with this getup?

Counterintuitive much?

Meet McDonald's Sweden's new product. 'M' is their attempt at a homestyle burger. While it looks different, I don't think it really stands out taste-wise.

[Photo taken at 2200.]


Managed to satisfy cupcake cravings...for now. Tried the carrot and red velvet cupcakes. Thought the carrot one was yum-o, but would have preferred less nuts. The red velvet was just okay.

Got by with just milk and no sugar in my coffee...yay me! Oh, okay...yay coffee!

P.S. The flash on this phone sucks eggs.

[Photo taken at 1824.]

Friday, October 22, 2010

I could be wrong about this, but...

I have a sneaking suspicion that it just might be time to get the winter stuff out.

[Photo taken on my way to school this morning.]

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Picture from the Philippines

This was in the local paper today along with a blurb on the most recent typhoon. I'm guessing that roof used to be horizontal.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Lookie, what arrived in the mail today!

Bones Season 5 DVDs!!!

The best part is the package was delivered directly to the apartment, so no need to pick it up in the middle of nowhere (which, to be fair, I've only had to do far).

Unfortunately, I will have to stay away from the DVDs until after the exam on Friday.

One of the Little Niece's Christmas presents also arrived today. Am excited to see how she'll react. Only 2 months to go! :p

Monday, October 11, 2010

Chicken and mango pasta salad

Pressbyrån stopped selling my favorite pasta salad a while back and I think I've found a replacement. Was skeptical about the mango part but it's actually mango salsa. Good stuff!

Am eating this at the school library while trying to study the pathology handouts.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Are all sugars created equal?

I consume way too much sugar, but since I don't have the will to cut back, I though I'd look into other solutions starting with my coffee, which brings us to...

The Sugar Cube Faceoff
Reigning Champion White Sugar Cube: 1700 kJ/100g
Contender Brown Sugar Cube: 1680 kJ/100g

I may actually consume enough sugar cubes for that to make a difference, but even I have to admit that this experiment is pretty much a dud. Back to the drawing board!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Go ahead and embrace your inner child

The little brat could use a hug every now and then. :p

Monday, October 4, 2010

Kanelbullens dag

Happy Cinnamon Roll Day!