Coupon for McDonald's Salad Shaker
I heart their ad agency (check out their Svenglish Happy Meal ad). The words in the ads for this product are shaken/jumbled which makes me think of the e-mail forward about how we'll be able to read a jumbled word as long as the first and last letters are correct. The salad costs 35 which works out quite nicely, since the mag also costs 35.
Panty liner samples
Apparently "1 out of 4 women experience urine leakage at some point in their lives." Is that the original purpose of panty liners?
The Wedding Guide
Stockholm yellow/pink pages for wedding-related services
Was amused when this fell out of the magazine along with the urine leakage thing. Childish, I know.
Sample of day cream with collagen re-plumper from L'Oreal
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